Sales Assistant

Sales support entails offering chat assistance to unidentified visitors, aiming to address all public inquiries.

Sales (No authentication)

To implement a conversational sales assistant on your website's homepage or other pages where user identity is unknown, and chat functions are enabled for any visitor, follow these steps.

Identify all the pages where you desire customers to access the chat function, allowing them to interact with an AI for responses.

Place the JavaScript code in the HTML

Add the script to the <head> section

Copy the following JavaScript code and paste it before the closing `</head>` tag of your website's HTML file:

<script defer

This script loads the necessary CleanDesk AI Bot library.

Add the chat widget code

Copy the following code and paste it before the closing `</body>` tag of your website's HTML file or paste it where you would like to use the widget:

<cleandesk-chat-widget app_id="YOUR_APP_ID"

Replace `YOUR_APP_ID`, `YOUR_APP_SECRET with the appropriate values that you have generated in the admin section of CleanDesk Ai.

The chat widget is responsible for initiating the conversation with the AI-powered customer service.

Last updated