Manage Candidates
Viewing Filters:
Filter candidates by "New" or "Rediscovered" (candidates previously not considered, then added again).
Filter candidates by status: Uncontacted, Contacted, Qualified, Not Qualified, Interested, Available, Not Available.
Candidate Search:
Use the search bar to find specific candidates.
Candidate Actions:
View Details: See candidate information.
Edit: Modify candidate details.
Manage Stage: Change the candidate's stage.
Manage Status: Change the candidate's status (e.g., contacted, qualified) in the hiring process.
Importing Candidates:
Click "Import" to upload a CSV file of candidates.
Click "Click to Upload" to select your CSV file.
Click "Submit" to import the candidate data.
Download the "Sample.csv" file for the correct CSV format.
Adding Candidates Manually:
Click the Create button.
Fill out the candidate information in the form. Some fields are mandatory, indicated by a red asterix. In the remaining fields you may add the details you wish to.
Click the Submit button to add the new candidate.
Following is a video showing how to create a candidate manually.
Creating an Interview for a Candidate:
In order for an interview to be created for a candidate, they must have a "qualified" status.
On the left side Jobs menu, click on Applications. Using the filter on top, select Screening Completed.
For the selected candidate, click on the Edit button next to the Screening Completed status.
Then, click on Qualified. In the prompt, confirm the change of status to Qualified.
Next, in the left side menu click on Interviews. To add an interview click on the Create button on top. Change the tab to "My Client" if the interview is for your customer and in the next drop down field, choose the customer name.
In the next field select the candidate name. Only those candidates with a Qualified status will appear in this drop down. For this new interview, give a title, a round name, round sequence like 1 for the first round, interview location, interview date & time and interview status. Mention the contact person's name and contact number, who is managing the interview.
Once done, click the Submit button.
You will get an option to send an interview notification to the candidate. Click the Send button to notify the candidate.
To view all scheduled interviews, use the filter on the top and choose "Scheduled", followed by setting the filter to Interviews "For My Client". The interview you just created would appear here.
Following is a video showing creation of an interview:
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