Jobs List
This section allows you to manage job profiles for both your own company and for your customers.
Filter jobs by selecting "Job For My Office" or "Job For My Client."
Filter jobs by status: Open, Completed, On Hold, or Withdrawn.
Use the search bar to find specific jobs.
Job Actions:
View Details: See job information.
Edit: Modify job details.
Manage Status: Change the job status.
Manage Screening:
Add or edit screening questions for candidates.
Click "Submit" to save changes.
Manage Template:
Email Templates: Add email templates for application submission notifications. Use "Preview" to view the message.
WhatsApp Templates: Add WhatsApp templates for application-related notifications. Use "Preview" to view the message.
Create interview slots by filling out details like Title, Round Name, Location, Time, and Duration.
Click "Submit" to create the interview slot.
Delete: Remove the job.
Adding Jobs Manually:
Click the Create button.
Fill out the job information in the form. Some fields are mandatory, indicated by a red asterix. In the remaining fields you may add the details you wish to.
Click the Submit button to add the new job.
Following is a video showing how to create a job for your customer. The same process may be used for creating a job for your own company, by selecting Job For My Office in the filter first.
Last updated